Welcome to Tour-Me, a new and exciting way to see all the sites you want to see without the inconvienance of taking a guided tour. Take a self-guided, self-paced tour using our website or download our mobile tour app (Tour-me.app). 

You can select numerous tour options including Art mural tours, public art tours, history tours, food tours and so much more. The Tour-me.app uses GPS guidance systems to accuratly guide you to each destination on the tour from your phone. Simply download the app, select the tour you want and let Tour-Me guide you to all the coolest places in San Antonio! 

To get started simply download the FREE Tour-Me app from Google Play or the Apple App Store. Then browse the list of tours and select which tour you would like to take. It's that simple! 

If you prefer not to download the app simply use this QR code and load the tours to your phone using your web browser. Then browse the list of tours and select which tour you would like to take. It couldn't be simpler